So dear reader, care to know about this most talked about Facebook Katana? Are you pretty curious to know? Let us not waste time! Here are some valuable facts about com.facebook.katana.
Table of Contents
What is Facebook Katana? – com.facebook.katana
Have you been wondering what this new word links with Facebook?
Of course, we all know what Facebook is!
But usually get stressed when we see an unknown folder amidst our phone apps. It is true because we are so protective about our data, pictures, and videos that we store in our phone memory. We surely do not want unwanted trouble or any bug to intrude.
So, it is always better to know about these new apps or modification files introduced.
FB Katana is the new development code name used for the Facebook application. It is introduced to make sure that your Facebook app is running smoothly. Almost all the other applications also have this particular application linked for smooth running purposes. For example, the Messenger app has Ocra, the supporting file of the application. We do not often see them as most of these application files are hidden from us users. Therefore, we do not have any information on them. And do not worry, these files do not affect your phone or the date on it.
So back to Facebook, Katana!
This file automatically gets added to your smartphone whenever you install the application. You have no way to remove this from your system, as removing it might cause problems in functioning Facebook properly.
Should I remove Facebook katana?
As we have mentioned earlier, removing the Katana file is not easy. Also, the main concern is that it might lead you to unwanted issues regarding the functionality of the Facebook application itself.
The Katana application folder directly connects to the Facebook app. It also contains most of the valuable information. Also, it does not mention to be a harmful app so far. So if you wish to use the Facebook app on your smartphone, we suggest that you keep the Katana application file due to its connection to better functionality of the Facebook app.
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Is com.facebook.katana containing virus?
Well, dear readers, we know how you feel about all these new techno apps that emerge from time to time. We all think it is a virus from hearing a unique application name. We surely need to protect our valuable information and data stored in our smartphones. Also, we know that the threat in today’s works is enormous due to these viruses and hackers. So, nothing is wrong with being suspicious about these new names and apps.
Is Facebook Katana a virus?
The answer is a clear NO.
But most people have already spread a rumor about this application being a more frightening virus.
Facebook automatically generates the Katana application when the phone configures the Facebook app. It makes sure that Facebook runs smoothly and can fix specific errors and warnings created randomly by the main Facebook app.
So dear readers, do not panic; this is not malware or virus! As it is created by the same application[ Facebook], you do not have to worry about it as both belong to the same party.
How to delete Facebook Katana from my phone?
If you need a simple answer to your above question, you “cannot delete” the Facebook Katana application from the phone; if you still, have the Facebook installed. As the two applications interconnect for better functionality, you need to uninstall or delete Facebook to remove the Katana application. Once you uninstall the Facebook application, the Katana too automatically disappears. It means, in simple terms, NO MORE FACEBOOK IN YOUR PHONE! We are sure you do not want that to happen as most of us eat, breathe and sleep on Facebook!
Will Facebook Katana drain my battery?
The Katana application and the battery life are essential concerns that all of our readers have in mind. Here are some facts for you to ease your mind.
Yes, we all have heard that the Facebook app has defects in draining phones’ batteries. It is most common in the Samsung S 7 series. Also, the Samsung devices often get the message saying that Com.Facebook.Katana drains the battery.
If the battery draining issue is severe, the last resort is to uninstall the app from your phone and access the Facebook application through Facebook Web.
How to fix com.facebook.katana errors?
It is now clear that the Katana application is not a virus or malware; it is one of the essential applications; the supporting files you need for your Facebook application to run smoothly. Therefore, it is better to learn how to fix any errors if you come across any.
The most simple way to fix the issue is to clear any Cache files from your android device. It is beneficial in many ways.
- Go to settings
- Go to parts on applications and settings
- Click Facebook on recently opened applications
- Go to storage or Cache and storage
- Pick clear Cache and Data
- Then you can log in to the Facebook application
It is the most straightforward method to re-fix your Facebook application to average performance.
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Winding up…
So dear readers, we hope the above facts and tips made you well understand the Facebook katana application. There is no need to panic about installing this new application folder into your smartphone. All you need is to maintain and update the software well. Clear all the Cache and unwanted data regarding the Facebook application. Update the application once you need to.
But if you think you do not need Facebook as an android application on the phone, your wish is yours!
You can remove the software, and as a bonus, you can get rid of Katana too!
Dear readers, we need to tell you that there is no harm in keeping both Facebook and Katana applications in your phone as these are not harmful or malware folders. As explained earlier, they need each other for the smooth performance of the Facebook application.
Therefore, do not worry!
Take a deep breath!
And enjoy your time on Facebook!